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Schezwan Sauce

Oil - 3 tbsp.

Garlic - 20 cloves, minced

Shallot - 1, minced

Red Chilli - 24 (preferably Bedgi), soaked for 2 hours and ground to a coarse paste

Vinegar - 2 tbsp.

Brown Sugar - 2 tbsp.

Soy Sauce - 2 tsp

Salt - 1 tbsp.

Heat Oil in a medium pan.

Add in Garlic and sauté for 30 sec.

Stir in Shallot and cook until translucent.

Add the ground Chilli paste and keep stirring for 3 min until the raw smell goes away.

Stir in Vinegar, Sugar, Soy Sauce and Salt. Keep on stirring and cooking until Oil oozes out from the masala.

Transfer to a clean glass jar and store in refrigerator until ready to use.



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