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  • Writer's pictureanisha naina

Cinnamon - 1 small pc.

Cardamom - 1

Star Anise - 1

Clove - 2

Tea Powder - ½ tsp

Jaggery to taste

Lemon Juice to taste

Bring 1 1/4 cup Water to a rolling boil in a medium pot.

Add Cinnamon, Cardamom, Star Anise and Clove to the boiling Water and simmer for about 5 min.

Add in Tea powder and bring to boil for another 5 min.

Add in Jaggery and mix well.

Remove from heat and strain the Tea into individual cups.

Add Lemon juice and serve hot.

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  • Writer's pictureanisha naina

Fish - 1 lb, filleted and boneless, seasoned with Salt and Pepper

All Purpose Flour - ½ cup

Corn Flour - ¼ cup



Chilli Powder - 1 tsp

Baking Soda - 1 tsp

Milk - ½ cup


In a large bowl add AP Flour, Corn Flour, Salt, Pepper, Chilli Powder and Soda. Adding little Milk at a time prepare this mixture into a smooth thick Batter.

Dip th Fish pieces in the prepared Batter and deep fry in hot Oil until golden.

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